
Three employees talking

Become part of the largest rail freight company in Europe

More than that, we stand for globally integrated logistics, we connect markets and people all over the world - work together with us on this global challenge.

Who we are

We are a leading global mobility and logistics company.We have successfully developed our company and positioned it for a promising future.We continuously develop mobility and logistics solutions – locally, nationally and globally – as an integrated company with a strong railway at its core.We operate the transportation networks of the future, transporting people and moving goods in end-to-end mobility and logistics chains.We have reached a leading international market position in the industries in which we operate.

Machanics at work
Machanics at work
Copyright: DB Cargo, Oliver Lang

 What is our goal

We are becoming the world’s leading mobility and logistics company.

  • We build our position of leadership along the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability.
  • We are a premium rail freight operator, reliable for our customers, economically successful, safe for our employees and environmental friendly.
  • We harmonize these dimensions to ensure the sustainable business success of our company as well as its social acceptance.
  • Economic: As a profitable market leader, we offer our customers first-class mobility and logistics solutions.
  • Social: As a top employer in Germany and abroad, we win and build loyalty with qualified employees who work with enthusiasm for DB and its customers.
  • Environmental: As an eco-pioneer, our products set standards for the efficient use of resources.

 How we achieve that

We will become the world's leading logistics company by convincing customers, employees and owners equally.
  • Customer oriented: We put our customers and their needs first because satisfied customers are the basis for the success of our company. Our customers choose us for the high quality of our products, our competitive prices and our reliable provision of service.
  • Economically successful: We strive to sustainably increase the value of our company in order to be able to access the capital markets and to secure future investment.
  • Progressive: We foster flexibility, a willingness to learn, an awareness of quality and the courage to question and continuously improve the status quo; accordingly, we offer a motivating work environment and the opportunity to take part in the company’s success. Innovative solutions generate new market opportunities.
  • Collaborative: We work across functional and divisional boundaries to achieve our shared goals. We view employee satisfaction as a prerequisite for customer satisfaction and business success.
  • Responsible: We act in an exemplary manner, based on the principles of integrity and concern for the needs of our stakeholders. We are committed to social responsibility and see ourselves as a pioneer of climate- and environmentally-friendly transportation.
Employee in front of train

En route to the top employer

We already are one of the world's leading logistics companies - together with the DB Group we also want to become a top employer.

En route to the top employer

Why is this important?Only with a strong image can we compete for you - the best people. To achieve this, the entire Group must develop a strong employer brand to attract new employees and meet the challenges of demographic change.

The processes of recruitment, application management and onboarding at DB were adjusted to bring them more closely in line with the needs of applicants, new employees and the individual business units. The new employer campaign "A job like no other" presents employees in typical working situations to illustrate the diversity and multifaceted nature of DB as an employer. Right from the start, DB employees were involved in the campaign and made ambassadors.A new corporate culture shaped by a spirit of partnership, routine staff involvement, mutual respect and exemplary leadership has been at the very top of DB's list of priorities since early 2010.DB wants to offer employees in the Group innovative development opportunities to encourage them to stay with the company for many years to come. This also entails tailoring its career development activities more closely to each employee's stage in his or her career and life and offering extensive programs to promote good health.

Mitarbeiter schüttelt Hand aus dem Zug
Mitarbeiter schüttelt Hand aus dem Zug
Copyright: DB AG / Arne Lesmann

Corporate social responsibility

As a multinational mobility and logistics company and one of Germany's largest employers and providers of training, it feels a particular responsibility for the development of society as a whole and puts this responsibility to practice.

Corporate social responsibility

Based on the conviction that success is measured not only in financial terms, DB uses its capabilities to live up to this responsibility. It places special emphasis on children and young people in particular.DB’s corporate social responsibility activities focus on areas where its competences can make a positive, noticeable difference. With this in mind, the Group is involved in:Education and cultureAs one of Germany’s largest employers, DB fulfills its special responsibility in this field. DB uses its competence in this area as part of “Chance Plus” program to prepare young people for vocational training.Integration and social workDB employs some 300,000 people, more than a third of whom work outside of Germany. This is just one reason why DB believes that combating discrimination and violence is just as important as fostering a culture of tolerance and respect. DB trainees have taken a clear stance against xenophobia, right-wing extremism, racism and discrimination through the "Deutsche Bahn Trainees against Hatred and Violence" project, which promotes a culture of tolerance and respect.Climate protection and conservationAs an international provider of mobility and logistics services and one of Germany's largest employers, the DB Group has a special responsibility to its customers, employees, society and the environment. On its mission to become an eco-pioneer, it has committed itself to many areas through a wide range of measures.Humanitarian aidAs a global logistics provider, DB transports relief aid to crisis-hit areas around the world, helping to provide acute humanitarian aid and to rebuild areas affected by disasters.

Experience DB Cargo hands-on

Whether at a career fair or one of our career information events, like Girls’ day or Supply Chain Day – we are happy to provide you with extensive information about our company and your entry opportunities. Experience the rail freight business up close, for example at a tour of the shunting yard or at an apprenticeship information day. An overview on all career events DB is part of can be found at the DB career portal.