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Timber transport with the added benefit of logistics
Timber transport with the added benefit of logistics
From logs, square-sawn timber and chipboard to pellets – we offer customised solutions for the sustainable transport of all timber products.
Your advantages at a glance
Rail-based timber transport for logs, square-sawn timber, pellets, chipboard and timber construction elements
Access to the Europe-wide rail network for both single wagonload transport and individual block train solutions
Customised timber logistics – also multimodal and intermodal for customers without own sidings
Extensive special equipment, such as flexibly deployable freight wagons
Use of CT-capable standard trailers for intermodal transport
More than 80 percent CO2 savings compared to mere lorry transport
freight wagons as part of the timber fleet
timber loading yards throughout Germany
timberports for decoupling road and rail
tonnes of timber transported per year
DB Cargo Logistics timber transport
approx. 1600 freight wagons as part of the timber fleet
over 200 timber loading yards throughout Germany
6 timberports for decoupling road and rail
2300000 tonnes of timber transported per year
Your expert partner
Our timber transport services are based on many years of experience with the timber industry both in Germany and throughout Europe. Experts in timber logistics develop customer-specific rail logistics concepts for the various timber products in close dialogue with you. We offer the most suitable and environmentally friendly transport route by rail for the natural raw material wood.
Logistics concepts
A timber transport is never a standardised process. Every timber product has its unique features – be it logs, chipboard or square-sawn timber.
Our customers can choose from a wide range of services, from mere transport to customised concepts including logistics services from a single source.
The portfolio includes planning the entire transport chain, including multimodal and intermodal solutions for customers without their own railway siding and the (interim) storage of goods. The result is a customised and tailor-made logistics package with services from A to Z.
Market proximity
We consider ourselves not just a timber logistics company, but a reliable and far-sighted partner to the timber industry. We are in constant dialogue with our customers and react flexibly in a volatile market. This applies, among other things, to the raw timber market, where short-term adjustments are necessary due to natural events such as storm damage or beetle infestation. We therefore incorporate these variables into the design of our timber transport and logistics solutions.
Multimodal expertise
When it comes to logistics concepts, we do not simply focus on rail transport, but on the big overall picture. After all, not every company has its own railway siding.
That's why we also take charge of the first and last mile of timber transport and provide our customers with multimodal solutions ranging from the forest to the sawmill. With access to over 200 timber loading yards and railports, we provide our customers with rail access for a rail-based supply chain. Intermodal shipments using our own CT-capable standard trailers on the main axes in Europe are also part of our service portfolio.
"For us, timber logistics means much more than just mere transport!"
Thorsten Wartenpfuhl, Head of Sales Consumer Goods, Pulp & Paper, Timber at DB Cargo
Our fleet for all types of timber
Our extensive range of equipment with its flexible deployment options is another significant advantage. After all, different timber products require different freight wagons. Whether bagged pellets or chipboard, packages of square-sawn timber, prefabricated components or logs several metres long: we have special stanchion wagons or classic sliding-wall wagons in use for the timber industry. Our extensive fleet covers every need and can be used for multiple purposes.
Stanchion wagon
Stanchion wagons belong to the flat wagon category and are the most well-known type of timber transport wagon. The stanchions prevent the load from sliding sideways. Stanchion wagons are our all-rounders that can transport both round timber as well as square-sawn timber.
Anything that does not fit on flat and stanchion wagons and needs to be protected from the weather is transported in sliding-wall wagons. This includes chipboard, bagged pellets, timber construction elements and, if required, packages of square-sawn timber.
Efficient concentricity concepts for the timber industry
Rail freight transport works most efficiently when the wagons are loaded as continuously as possible. This is best achieved with sophisticated round trip concepts. We will show you how this can be achieved with a brief example:
Straight from the forest onto rails
Lorries take the logs directly from the forest to the nearest timber loading yard or timberport, where they are transferred onto the freight train. You can learn more about the role timberports in this process below.
Transport to the sawmill
The logs are transported by freight train to the sawmill, where they are further processed. Ideally, the sawmill has its own siding, otherwise the last mile is covered by lorry.
Handling and reloading in the sawmill
At the sawmill – or at a nearby rail access point – the wagons are unloaded and reloaded with square-sawn timber. This is one of the advantages of the flexible equipment, as the stanchion wagons can transport both logs and square-sawn timber.
Transport to the harbour
Loaded with square-sawn timber, the wagons then head from the sawmill to a seaport, for example.
Handling at the harbour
At the seaport, the packages of square-sawn timber are transshipped onto a ship for export. Square-sawn timber is exported in large quantities to North America, for example.
Back to the next timber loading yard
The only empty run in the round trip concept now takes place when the train travels to a timber loading yard to be reloaded and then restarts the round trip with fresh logs.
"With our equipment specially tailored to the timber industry and various services at the loading yards and timberports, we offer our customers sustainable logistics."
Clemens Pflästerer, Head of Sales & Operations Centre Timber at DB Cargo Logistics
Timberports - how the decoupling of rail and road works
Among the more than 200 timber loading yards spread throughout Germany, there is a special type of rail access point for timber products, known as timberports. But what distinguishes them from conventional loading yards?
A "normal" timber loading point is exactly what it sounds like: a way of transferring logs from the forest from lorry to rail. Here there are clear time windows in which the freight wagons are standing by. The timber deliveries have to be precisely timed accordingly.
This already shows a decisive advantage of the timberport: extensive storage areas for logs enable timber shippers to deliver the timber from the forest at flexible intervals. The timber industry can then retrieve the required quantities at the timberport as needed. This results in more efficient lorry round trips, as there is no direct time connection between delivery and loading – thus decoupling road and rail from each other.
As timberports, unlike mere loading points, are not used exclusively for loading, they can be integrated into efficient round trips by rail. Freight trains, for example, can deliver square-sawn timber and continue on to the sawmill loaded with logs – timberports thus also ensure more effective equipment utilisation.
Innovative, modern and customer-orientated
Insight into timber logistics
We are a reliable partner to the timber industry. With the best equipment and a direct link to the market, we are the first point of contact for customers in the timber industry.
DB Cargo is the only company in Germany that offers single wagonload transport almost nationwide, thus opening up the advantages of rail transport in Germany and Europe even for companies with low transport volumes.
Where can I find answers about the volume and frequency of rail traffic?
Our colleagues at DB Netz will be happy to provide you with information on the volume and frequency of rail traffic.
Where can I find information about jobs and careers at DB Cargo?
For enquiries about a career at DB Cargo, such as current job offers, internships or other personnel questions, please visit our website or contact the person responsible for the respective job advertisement directly.
Where can I find information on transport units?
Please note that we only transport for business customers and transport almost everything that fits into at least one freight wagon or container / swap body.
Do you already have a concrete idea about your transport?