

The m2 is the latest example of a successful innovation with which we respond to customer requests.

 Your advantages through our innovations

  • Individual solutions tailored to your company
  • Practice-oriented tools make your daily work easier
  • Innovative logistics concepts for efficient transport
  • Flexible and reliable systems for more planning security

DB Cargo IT fit for the future

By replacing legacy systems such as the Wagon Information System (WIS), we are getting a step closer to digitalisation.

Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

The freight wagons of the future.

Shifting more traffic to rail – our multifunctional modular freight wagons make it possible.

Our intelligent freight wagon eServices

New digital functions and services create immediate added value for our customers.


The EuropeanProductionfulfillmentSystem (EPS) is the basis for a Europe-wide and interoperable production process and the uniform exchange of messages between all parties involved.


UBS - Unified Braking Scheme, non-stop interoperable rail freight transport throughout Europe by harmonised braking rules and standardised documents.

Get in touch with our experts.

DB Cargo AG