DB Cargo is greener than ever – Climate+
While rail freight transport is already very environmentally friendly, DB Cargo has taken things a step further. Climate+ ensures that your shipments are climate neutral.
Use of 100% renewable power:
By using 100% renewable power, your goods are transported CO²e-neutral on all electrified routes in Germany and other countries. We determine the exact energy requirements of your shipments using the independent tool EcoTransIT World and purchase the corresponding amount of renewable power from renewable energy sources. The renewable power we purchase thus replaces what would otherwise have been conventional energy in the traditional traction energy mix. This directly protects the climate. The use of renewable energy in Germany is subject to audits by the TÜV SÜD technical inspection association. We provide you with a certificate for the CO² savings made. These savings can then be taken into account in your carbon footprint.
Use of biofuels:
DB Cargo already delivers around 95% of its transport volume on electrified routes. Through the exclusive use of biofuels we are now supporting you to save plenty of CO² on non-electrified routes as well. We exclusively use fossil-free hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO) for shunting services or on diesel-powered rail routes within Germany. This reduces your greenhouse gas emissions by around 90% compared to conventional diesel. We also offset residual emissions produced upstream.
We only use HVO from biological residues and waste materials. This means that cultivable land for food is preserved. In addition, the HVO we use is free from palm oil.
Investment in climate protection projects:
CO² emissions cannot always be eliminated. In additon to the use of renewable energy and biofuels, we offset transport emissions which could not be avoided, e.g. the emissions produced by trucks in pre-carriage and onward carriage. To achieve this, we calculate the total CO² emissions created by the supply chain. You decide how much of these emissions you would like to offset. Together with atmosfair we then invest in selected sustainability projects which meet both CDM and Gold Standard, thus fulfilling strict quality criteria. The projects foster the growth of renewable energy sources, thereby helping to reduce CO² emissions. Additionally, they support sustainable development in the regions where they are taking place by promoting technology transfer and the creation of local economic structures.
Are you interested? Please contact our customer advisor for more information!
Additional information
EcoTransIT World
With the independent EcoTransIT World tool, we calculate the CO² emissions of the transport chain and submit a suitable offer. The life cycle assessment of various modes of transport can be determined at https://www.ecotransit.org/en/emissioncalculator - for global, intermodal traffic streams.
Gold Standard
Gold Standard was founded in 2003 by WWF and other non-governmental organisations to best align climate protection projects with environmental protection and sustainable development. The Gold Standard for Global Goals defines requirements for projects to achieve maximum positive impacts. Results are measured and evaluated. 1,400 projects in more than 80 countries promote the use of renewable energies and the increase of energy efficiency in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement - with the involvement of the local population and monitored by trained inspectors. www.goldstandard.org
atmosfair is a climate protection organisation with a focus on mobility. Unavoidable CO² emissions can be compensated - through climate protection projects according to the CDM Gold Standard. Thus, the climate is no treated as a free resource. www.atmosfair.de/en/
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DB Cargo AG