DB Cargo starts anti-discrimination campaign


DB Cargo starts anti-discrimination campaign

Diversity should be part of how all of us think and act at work

Marking Germany's Diversity Day, DB Cargo has joined up with other business units at Deutsche Bahn to launch a campaign that gives a voice to people affected by discrimination. Over the course of the summer, DB Cargo employees can actively participate in the Have Your Say! campaign, which is a chance for them to describe their experiences of discrimination without revealing their identities or having others qualify their statements. The campaign's goal is to create #StrongAllies in the fight against discrimination.

Copyright: DB Cargo AG

Elke Jesse, DB Cargo's diversity officer, says, "When we talk about diversity, we mean the myriad issues that it covers and the topics we need to be aware of. This is reflected in how we all assess a situation, how we think and how we react." There are seven key points to diversity: gender identity, generation, social and ethnic origins, religion, physical and mental abilities, and sexual orientation. "Our clear commitment to diversity in thought and deed helps us to achieve a vital competitive advantage in a complex world," says Jesse.

Diversity in thought and deed    

Dr Martina Niemann, Denise Erkul and Ann-Kathrin Meyer also discuss the topic of diversity in our podcast Female CFO Network. The latest episode is available here

In this video, famous names from the world of science, politics and management consultancy explain what diversity means to them:

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