DB Cargo starts regular operations with over-length trains of up to 835 metres between Maschen Rbf and Malmö Godsban


Demonstrator train with 832 m between Maschen and Malmö on 17.04.2021 as part of the Shift2Rail research project "FR8RAIL IV"
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10. February 2025, 13:17 o'Clock

Article: DB Cargo starts regular operations with over-length trains of up to 835 metres between Maschen Rbf and Malmö Godsban

Increased capacity and efficiency with freight train up to 835 metres long

Regular operation of extra-long trains 

Since the 2024/2025 timetable change, DB Cargo has been operating over-length trains of up to 835 metres between the Maschen marshalling yard and Malmö Godsban in Sweden six days a week. These trains offer significant capacity and efficiency advantages compared to the maximum 740 metre-long trains possible on the rest of the German rail network. 

Increased capacity and efficiency 

DB Cargo has been operating over-length trains between Maschen and Fredericia in Denmark since 2012. The trains are up to 835 m long and have a maximum load 2,300 tonnes. The new regular service will now increase the capacity per train on the Maschen-Malmö  route by up to 13%, which will boost competitiveness on the route between Germany and Scandinavia, while the use of resources (train driver, locomotive) will remain the same.

Advantages for various industries

The introduction of extra-long trains significantly supports single wagonload transport in Europe for different industries and different goods. The ScanMed Corridor (corridor between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean) is one of the most important freight corridors for Germany and Europe. Customers from the steel industry and the consumer goods sector, for example, benefit along the ScanMed corridor.

Project group stands in front of the first 835m-long regular train in the Maschen classification yard.
Project group stands in front of the first 835m-long regular train in the Maschen classification yard.
Copyright: Max Schischkoff/DB Cargo

The first regular train with 835m between Maschen and Malmö started on 31.01.2025

From left to right: Torsten Schomacker (train driver), Michael Härtwig (dept. Maschen site manager), Vasanthi Brüggemann (Maschen site manager), Kostantinos Tsesmetsis (Bane NOR representative in the ScanMed corridor group), Rainer Wolf (DB InfraGO representative in the ScanMed corridor group), Birgit Wirth (Head of European Rail Logistics Companies and Managing Director DB Cargo Scandinavia), Christoffer Hansson (Trafikverket representative in the ScanMed corridor group), Max Schischkoff (DB CargoLab), Thomas Bamberg (train driver team leader Maschen site) and Hans Boysen (Trafikverket long freight train project manager)

Cooperation and research 

The DB Cargo Lab, DB Cargo Scandinavia and Trafikverket have successfully collaborated in the European Shift2Rail research project FR8RAIL IV to overcome operational and infrastructural challenges, enabling the introduction of extra-long trains on an important route on the ScanMed corridor. 
The project is part of DB Cargo's overarching strategy for digitalisation and automation along the rail freight value chain.


Completion of the fixed Fehmarnbelt bridge, which is completely designed for 835 metre-long trains, is planned for 2029. The tunnel will significantly shorten the route from Maschen to Malmö, as the current route has to cross the mainland and three bridges. The opening of the new route will combine the advantages of extra-long trains and shorter distances, which will further increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness.