Trailer Romania Xpress

Craneable megatrailers are transported by DB Cargo's Trailer Romania Xpress.

Direct to Romania

The Trailer Romania Xpress is our rapid, flexible, reliable and sustainable shuttle solution to southeast Europe for every industry.

 Your benefits at a glance

  • High-frequency shuttle system
  • For cranable mega-trailers, swap bodies and containers
  • Quick and reliable, with no traffic jams or rest periods
  • Cost-effective, with no tolls
  • Environmentally friendly: saves up to 1,200 kg of CO2 per lorry
  • Flexible booking options: Our logistics specialists plan and carry out your transports

Your connections at a glance


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Flexible bookings for single spaces

Allow us to introduce the Trailer Romania Xpress (TRX for short), part of our Automotive RailNet: This ultra-frequent shuttle system transports cranable loading units to Oradea, Romania. The shuttle service can handle any multimodal-compatible freight in megatrailers, swap bodies or containers. It can even transport dangerous goods, such as batteries for electric vehicles. The shuttle starts in Stuttgart and takes two days to reach Oradea, northern Romania's transport hub and economic centre. It provides a reliable service, avoiding traffic jams, rest periods and toll charges.

Die Züge von DB Cargo mit modernen Doppeltaschenwagen T3000 brauchen zwei Tage bis ins rumänische Oradea.
"Our corridor product is available to customers from every sector."

Andreas Weiss, Head of Sales and Operations Centre Components, DB Cargo Logistics

Environmental protection

Sustainability and cutting CO2 emissions have long been a competitive advantage. Train services can now really play to this particular strength while also relieving road congestion. When compared with road haulage, trains' carbon emissions are 75% lower. With each lorry emitting 1,200 kg of CO2, the fact that a train can transport the same volume as 34 lorries means that each shuttle journey reduces CO2 emissions by up to 40 tonnes.

Das Shuttleprodukt von DB Cargo ist zuverlässig, schnell ohne Staus oder Ruhezeiten und ohne zusätzliche Mautkosten.

Our services for you