K+S deepens commitment to environmentally friendly rail

Güterzug mit Schüttgutwagen fährt durch eine grüne Landschaft.

K+S deepens commitment to environmentally friendly rail

Fertiliser manufacturer extends contract with DB Cargo by ten years.

K+S, one of Europe's largest fertiliser manufacturers and salt suppliers, is expanding its cooperation with DB Cargo. The ongoing logistics partnership has now been extended with a ten-year contract. This contract will cover around 70 million tonnes of transport volume, which is more than one million wagonloads. K+S plays a key role in global food supply through the production of fertilisers. In addition, the company supplies industrial and food-grade salts to customers worldwide.

An einem Tisch sitzen vier Männer nebeneinander und lächeln zufrieden.
An einem Tisch sitzen vier Männer nebeneinander und lächeln zufrieden.
Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker Emersleben
Satisfied with the conclusion of the contract (from left to right): Steffen Brill (K+S), Torsten Lüders (DB Cargo), Philipp Möller (K+S), Philipp Sternberg (DB Cargo)

"DB Cargo is a reliable partner for us"

Dr Burkhard Lohr, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of K+S AG, said: "We will continue to use environmentally friendly modes of transport to move our products. DB Cargo is a reliable partner for us. They will guarantee high freight wagon availability for the long term and integrate innovative bulk freight wagons into existing transport operations." Dr Sigrid Nikutta, Member of the Management Board for Freight Transport at Deutsche Bahn AG, and Chair of the Management Board and CEO of DB Cargo AG, added: "Potash and other mineral raw materials from K+S are a vital part of modern life. K+S fertilisers and other ingredients are the basis of many products in agriculture, medicine and industry. We at DB Cargo ensure reliable and environmentally friendly logistics for K+S through rail. That is why I am delighted to now start the next chapter in this long success story. DB Cargo's rail freight transport services help K+S save more than 200,000 HGV journeys every year."

Dr. Nikutta und zwei Herren stehen in einem unterirdischen Bergwerk.
Dr. Nikutta und zwei Herren stehen in einem unterirdischen Bergwerk.
Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG
Dr Sigrid Nikutta gets an insight into the potash mine.

Decades of partnership

K+S has been relying on environmentally friendly rail transport for several decades. DB Cargo currently transports six million tonnes annually. "That is why we are modernising DB Cargo's wagon fleet", said Dr Nikutta. A total of up to 650 new Tanoos bulk freight wagons will be procured from mid-2025. The wagons are particularly well suited to transporting K+S products.

Global transport begins on the rails

DB Cargo handles rail logistics for K+S across the sites of the company's Werra plant (Unterbreizbach, Heimboldshausen and Heringen) as well as at sites in Neuhof, Sehnde, Zielitz and Baalberge. Most K+S cargo is transported from Werra, Neuhof and Zielitz to the Port of Hamburg, and from there is shipped to various international markets.