Freight wagon catalogue news


Freight wagon catalogue news

Catalogue now available in English.

For years, DB Cargo's freight wagon catalogue has been an important tool for customers looking for the right rolling stock. Since our product range changes regularly as wagons are retired or acquired, the catalogue is also changing constantly. In the last few months, we've also acted on feedback from users to make further improvements to the catalogue. 

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Important changes involve the technical data and specific details of each freight wagon, which were checked and brought up to date. About a third of the wagon photos were also updated. Another important addition is the implementation of an English version of the catalogue. This was an oft-expressed wish, which DB Cargo has now granted by making the entire catalogue available to users who don't speak German.

What is the freight wagon catalogue?

The freight wagon catalogue includes DB Cargo's entire wagon portfolio, listed by category or use. The catalogue makes it easy for customers to find the right freight wagon for their desired application. Information on ordering, renting and dimensions is also listed. Each wagon has its own page with technical drawings, data, and load limits.

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